
Construction of Expo centre in progress

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The Eenhana Town Council is making good progress on building its own expo facility to the tune of N$70 million.
The first phase, which includes fencing off the area, has already been completed. The second phase, which involves the construction of two exhibition halls, is currently underway.

The Head of Marketing and Economics, Muandingi Ndawedwa said the council is strategically positioning the town as a conferencing hub for the northern regions.

“We want to have the capacity to host big events, because currently there is only one conference hall at Monte Carlo,” said Ndawedwa. The centre will comprise a conference hall, exhibition hall, shopping centre and upmarket offices, among others. The biggest hall at the centre will have a capacity to accommodate at least 1,000 people.

Ndawedwa adds that in the absence of the annual expo, the facility should be operating on a daily basis. Two hotels are also due to be constructed next to the conferencing centre to accommodate those making use of the facility.

To date the expo has been reliant on facilities at the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Culture and the ministry’s halls are currently used for exhibitions. Thus when the expo is on, the ministry is obliged to halt all its activities, but this is set to change in the near future.

Council currently pays for the use of the centre, including water, electricity, as well the cost of minor repairs and clean-up operations after the event.