
Consumers’ Complaints: Brand new tablet melts in hand

Home Business Consumers’ Complaints: Brand new tablet melts in hand

Dear Consumer Court,

About two months ago I bought a PC cellphone tablet from a cellular retailer in the Ausspannplatz area. Everything was working perfectly until the tablet melted in my hand. I tried taking out the battery but the screen later cracked due to the melting or heating. I took it back to retailer the same day. I told them what had happened but they accused me of letting it fall causing the screen to crack. Later they said my [Secure Digital] memory card caused the melting. I had used the card in my other phone with no problems. I was asked to pay N$500 for a screen replacement.

I demanded a tablet replacement instead, as the damage was not caused by my negligence. They refused. I requested that they refund me half of the costs.

Eventually they agreed to fix the device, from the screen, the back cover and the replacement of the memory card. Eight days later I phoned for an update. The lady said they only fixed the screen but did not replace the other things, and told me I should pay the rest of the money so that the phone could be fixed. I refused. I later sent my sister to go talk to them. They fought with her and told her to go to the police. I did not go to the police to lay a complaint about the issue. I did some research about their products and a few people complain about the work that they do and the products that they sell. When they fix things they damage it further and say the client handed in the product or gadget broken.

They are totally rude. I am writing to the newspaper because I want people to know that this company sells gadgets that are faulty. They are dangerous. The phone melted but it could have exploded too. Please publish my story.

Customer’s real name and contacts provided.