
Cop Chastises Truant Politicians

Home Archived Cop Chastises Truant Politicians

By William J.Mbangula


Some political leaders came under heavy criticism for setting a bad precedent by constantly absenting themselves from meetings called by the Governor of Oshana, Clemens Kashuupulwa.

Police Deputy Commissioner Joseph Anghuwo made this critical observation during a meeting of heads of line ministries in the region, parastatals, agencies and private sector agencies at Oshana Regional Council offices yesterday.

Anghuwo noted that there was a disturbing trend for elected leaders to always stay away from meetings without any acceptable excuses thus setting a bad precedent.

He said since taking charge of the region about two years ago, he has observed that only one councillor has been faithfully attending meetings regularly.

Anghuwo lashed out saying: “I am always seeing Councillor Lotto Kuushomwa of Oshakati East at the side of the Governor. Where are the other seven councillors. We expect them to lead by example.”

Some participants at the well-attended meeting also supported the police regional commander’s view. Among the local authorities councillors who attended were Julia Nepembe, Isaak Ndokosho, Jason Asino from Ongwediva, and Angelus Iyambo from Oshakati. No councillor from Ondangwa attended.

Explaining the purpose of the meeting, Governor Kashuupulwa said participants were called together to exchange views on how to improve on service delivery, amplify and consolidate the relationship between the various institutions in the public and private sectors as well as to welcome and receive the Directorate of Education which officially transferred its functions from Ondangwa to Oshakati, the regional capital of Oshana Region.

He called on all the heads of department in the region to become fully conversant with the affairs, responsibilities and functions of their respective offices. This will enable them to supervise and monitor the implementation of programmes and projects assigned to their affairs.

Said the Governor: “We must strive to be competitive, productive and
conscientious workers. We need to identify and promote activities that bear the fruits o f economic development. We need to be responsive to the needs of our people”.

Turning to education, he lauded the Ministry of Education more especially the Directorate of Education in Oshana for moving its head office from Ondangwa to Oshakati. Although some people complained about the move, the Directorate in conjunction with the Oshana Regional Council implemented the longstanding Cabinet decision.

Education and training should be encouraged and supported in order to facilitate social change and bring about development and nation building, said the Governor.

“It is therefore the sole responsibility of the Directorate of Education to introduce continuous school improvement programmes to accelerate change and development”.

Besides heads of departments, regional and local councillors, the meeting was also attended by traditional leaders whom the Governor said are part and parcel of governance.