
Corruption Is Evil – Swapo Elders

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By Kuvee Kangueehi Windhoek The Swapo Party Elders’ Council (SPEC) has noted with concern that corruption affects everybody in the country, namely the youth, the elders, the public and private sectors, and government and non-governmental organizations. It must therefore be dealt with firmly. Addressing a press conference at the Swapo Party headquarters yesterday, Secretary of the SPEC, Kanana Hishoono, said corruption destroys and decays the moral fabric of individuals, societies and nations. “Corruption should not be allowed in any society worth its salt and should be fought against at all costs, by all means.” Hishoono said the SPEC Central Committee meeting, which took place earlier this month, deliberated on the issue and concluded that corruption is evil. He said the delegates to the meeting also concluded that a number of evils and reactionary tendencies do epitomize corruption. He noted that racism, tribalism, ethnicity, nepotism, dishonesty and even incompetence and inefficiency are some of the evils. “Corruption is really evil for any society which is striving to be decent.” He observed that corruption is eroding, eating away and destroying the national wealth. “We hear of the money lost in failed investment deals through corrupt practices by some individuals in positions of trust.” He warned that the lost funds mean public deprivation and that the individuals amassing wealth for self-aggrandizement are stifling and killing the economy of the country. “These practices are tearing apart the hearts of the elders and we strongly condemn the crime of corruption being committed in our society, especially by the future leaders of our country.” He further noted that among the young generation – the leaders of tomorrow – one would find those who are greedy, selfish and dishonest, the ones who are embezzling the national wealth through fraudulent activities. “Some of those involved are those society wished to anoint for future custody of our freedom and economic emancipation.” The SPEC secretary added that corruption ruins, breaks, spoils and changes someone from good to bad, from bad to worse and from worse to worst. He warned against acts such as misinforming others and distortion of the truth, alcohol abuse and drug addiction, driving vehicles while under the influence of alcohol – all which could be viewed as corruption. “The SPEC regards inefficiency and disobedience of lawful and justifiable instructions, failing to carry out one’s assigned duties and responsibilities as corrupt practices.” The SPEC commended the Namibian Parliament for the enactment of the Anti-Corruption Bill as well as the inauguration of the Anti-Corruption Commission. Hishoono said mechanisms to fight the scourge and cancer of crime and corruption are now in place. “What is needed is to identify corrupt individuals and institutions, organizations and entities, whether public or private so that these can be brought to justice.” The SPEC also appealed to everyone to assist the ACC in reporting all fraudulent activities and individuals to the Commission. The ruling party elders urged the ACC to carry out its noble task firmly without fear or favour. “The ACC should take the culprits to the courts of law and if they are pronounced guilty, the law-enforcement agencies must see to it that the punishment meted out by the courts is dutifully executed.”