
Council to tar 8 km stretch

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Eenhana Town Council plans to tar an 8 km stretch of road in town while roads in the informal settlement will also be upgraded to gravel, officials confirmed this week.

This will be done primarily to ease access of motorists to the sandy areas of town. The planned road works are expected to be completed by the end of the 2015/2016 financial year.

For a number of reasons the upgrading of roads has proven to be a challenge for the council; hence no roads were upgraded in the last five years, but the municipality however remains optimistic that it will be able to tar more roads in the next financial years.

With the expansion of the informal settlement, the town will have to expand its roads gradually.

Muandingi Ndawedwa, Eenhana Council’s Head of Marketing and Economics, said although there has been no upgrading of roads over the past five years, council is making concerted efforts to improve the roads and has the situation under control.