
Council to survey piece of land

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OMUTHIYA – The Omuthiya Town Council will soon survey the undeveloped Erf 53, a big portion of land that is characterised by filth and ramshackle structures.

The area is without basic services such as sewerage and proper streets, and it mainly houses Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The area has remained undeveloped for years due to financial implications that include compensation and land servicing.

Last month, the acting Town Council CEO Simon Nghuulondo said council will first have to survey the area because, in its form, it is impossible to determine where to put roads, sewerage and so forth – due to the setup. 

In addition, he said all affected would be notified, including those to be compensated. “The surveying was supposed to be done last year, but the planned survey period lapsed. As a result, we have to re-budget during this financial year,” he stated.

Furthermore, Nghuulondo said some SMEs or individuals would be affected, as they happen to be in one plot. “Due to this situation, the tenants – in case they are three in one plot – will have to agree among themselves as to who is to be compensated and how they can reimburse each,” emphasised the acting CEO.
He also reiterated that council would mostly compensate those who are found in a path of road network, water, sewerage or where council intends to erect something. 
– osimasiku@nepc.com.na