
Councillor calls for speedy completion of maternity ward

Home National Councillor calls for speedy completion of maternity ward

WINDHOEK – National Council Swapo MP, and Rundu Urban Constituency Councillor Victoria Kauma has called on the Ministry of Health and Social Services to give special attention and speedily complete the Rundu maternity ward to assist pregnant mothers in the vast region. 

Contributing to the Appropriation Bill in the National Council, she said by not finishing the maternity ward means the fundamental rights of African women and babies are violated. 
She revealed that women are delivering babies in the corridors on matrasses, which she says doesn’t make any difference with a woman delivering at home. 

“Even bed linen is rare. Patients are using their private blankets and linens. Attitudes should change, instead of taking care of other things, the life of human beings should be protected first. Women are discharged within six hours because of space,” she said. On education, Kauma said the issue of education should be looked at as a priority. “The ministry has a big responsibility to upgrade like our Rundu Unam campus training teachers from grade 0-7 Junior Primary. We have many graduates with no jobs in this field. In the category of senior secondary, we have no teachers. Which means this campus should be upgraded to train teachers from grade 0 up to 12 to assist the Unam campus in Oshakati,” she urged.

Meanwhile, Swapo MP and Kabbe South Constituency Councillor John Likando said the underfunding of the health sector is a serious concern given the increased population size and distance amount settlements in the country. He noted the ministry of health has been using outdated criteria on setting up of new health facilities particularly new clinics and health centres as well as the expansion of intermediate or referral hospitals in the region.

He, however, said the residents of Zambezi has once again appreciated the government positive response to the persistence outcry of the lifesaving service of chronic kidney patients who have migrated to regions where this service is offered. 
“The dialysis service will bring back home over 20 patients who have been displaced away from their loved ones due to unavailability of this service. This did not come easy, the regional leadership and patients themselves whose pressure could not be resisted on this effort is much appreciated,” he remarked.  Furthermore, Likando said the residents of Zambezi would like to see the permanent stationing of emergency aircraft at Mpacha Airport as hundreds of lives are being lost due to long distance of transporting patients by road covering thousands of kilometers. 

“Yes, we know it require funds but if sectors work together, it can be cheaper. The defence, police, and ministry of works have aircrafts they can coordinate to ensure that at least at every airport they are available for medical emergencies. This request was brought before the line ministry for further consideration together with the non-completion of clinics,” he stated.