
Councillor reflects on first 100 days in office

Home National Councillor reflects on first 100 days in office

Steven Klukowski

Keetmanshoop – Urban constituency councillor Maxie Minnaar said she has exercised her duties with distinction and diligence since she started serving members of the public.
She made these remarks while reporting back on her first 100 days in office during a press conference that was held recently in the regional capital of the south.

Minnaar noted the provision of access to land and housing has always been her priority. “Through my office, we were able to build a decent house for a homeless couple: Saulandela Muketo and his partner Wilhelmina Adams,” she explained. 

The councillor said it was with the help and support of the local Landless Peoples Movement (LPM) working committee that the house was constructed, and food and furniture provided to the destitute family. She also raised the concern that there are still other families in her constituency who are in dire need of proper housing and having access to land ownership. “Therefore, I proposed a motion previously that we urgently provide all community members in informal settlements with rights to land ownership without any financial costs involved,” said Minnaar.
She said through this intervention, these vulnerable groups of people can then more easily obtain finance from commercial banks to build their houses and live dignified lives.

Minnaar also said after a long struggle, her office reached an agreement with Namibia Post (NamPost) to set up an additional social grants pay-point in the Tseiblaagte residential area, which will become operational as from the end of April 2020. 
Furthermore, she gave the assurance that despite political interference, her office will not be deterred to accomplish its objective, namely setting up an additional social grant pay-point apart from NamPost in Keetmanshoop.

When referring to community development projects, the constituency councillor explained her office is busy with studies to determine the viability of gardening, poultry farming and egg projects. “These projects, once running in full steam, will create more jobs and boost the local economic development portfolio of Keetmanshoop,” she stated.

Another achievement, according to the politician, was the successful distribution of drought relief food parcels under her first 100 days tenure.
Minnaar also said with the necessary investment in terms of water infrastructure, the barren Keetmanshoop townlands can be transformed into a green oasis for food, crop and fodder production. “Job creation through agriculture is the best means for socio-economic development in Keetmanshoop Urban constituency,” she then emphasised.

In terms of challenges, she mentioned her constituency is hard at work to expand the distribution of food parcels in Keetmanshoop. 
“We have approached various international donor organisations to mobilise resources for food parcels during his time of Covid-19,” Minnaar further explained.  The constituency councillor, in conclusion, pleaded with residents in the region to “put all political difference aside and show maturity for the sake of the suffering masses.”
– sklukowski@nepc.com.na