
Country Club records highest profit since 2014

Home National Country Club records highest profit since 2014
Country Club records highest profit since 2014

The Windhoek Country Club and Resort’s management has turned around the fortunes of the accommodation establishment by increasing overall revenue by almost N$70 million. This, in turn, enabled the WCCR to generate over N$15 million in profit, and to hand over a dividend cheque of N$20 million to government. 

On Monday, WCCR board of directors’ chairperson Evans Simataa handed over the dividend cheque to deputy executive director in the finance and public enterprises’ ministry Louise Shixwameni.

He expressed great satisfaction with the achievement of the WCCR over the past financial year. “In the fiscal year 2023, our overall revenues witnessed a remarkable improvement, surging by an impressive N$69.2 million, year-on-year,” he stated, adding that despite the challenges of the global pandemic, WCCR navigated through turbulent times with great fortitude, during which no employees were retrenched. 

“In 2021, we recorded losses of N$17.7 million, and in 2022, we reduced the loss to N$4.2 million. However, I am thrilled to report that our efforts and strategic initiatives have borne fruit, leading to a profit of N$15.3 million in the 2023 financial year. This marks the highest profit our business has recorded since 2014,” beamed Simataa. 

The chairman also thanked government, his fellow board members, and the management of WCCR, adding that he was confident that 2024 is set to be the best financial year in the history of the resort. “I look forward to the exciting journey that lies ahead,” said Simataa.  

Receiving the dividend on behalf of the state, Shixwameni also expressed gratitude towards the board and management of WCCR as well as Legacy Hotels & Resorts Management Services. 

“We want to continue the narrative of changing the legacy of public enterprises, and the Windhoek Country Club and Resort is a shining example,” she noted.  The official added that the hotel managed to curb its losses mainly due to an experienced board and management, as well as a high level of integrity and commitment from all staff. 

“The property has a working business model, and I encourage all the public enterprises to follow the example of the WCCR,” said Shixwameni.