Court officials out on bail

Home Archived Court officials out on bail

SWAKOPMUND – Three Walvis court officials accused of corruptly using their offices for self-benefit were granted bail last week.

The three are Johanna Noreses, 36, Bertha Hipundjua (36) and Ottilie Mutumbulua (46).

The suspects face charges of contravening Section 43 Sub-section 1 of the Anti-Corruption Act, defeating and/or obstructing the course of justice, and theft, alternatively fraud.

Noreses represented by Sisa Namandje was granted bail of N$10 000 late last Wednesday while Hipundjua and Mutumbulua, both represented by Eugene Thomas were granted N$ 3000 bail each on Thursday morning. All three accused appeared before Magistrate Ray Nelson, while Ezekiel Ipinge represented the State.

Noreses already paid bail on Wednesday while the other two are only expected to post bail today. The case has been postponed until September 16 for further police investigation.

During the bail application hearing of Hipundjua and Mutumbulua, State prosecutor Hezekiel Ipinge opposed bail charging that the accused would interfere with the investigation which was only a week old.  Iipinge argued the State was opposing bail as it fears the two accused might interfere with State witnesses, saying it was not in the public interest to grant them bail.

The defence attorney of Hipundjua and Mutumbulua Eugene Thomas said the accused posing a threat to the public does not apply to his clients. Thomas said the accused did not know who the State witnesses are and could therefore not interfere with or intimidate them.

After both arguments were heard, Nelson indicated the suspects would not endanger other people and that there was only speculation about intimidation, but no guarantee that it would occur.

Meanwhile on Wednesday during Noreses’s bail hearing the lead State witness who was meant to testify in the bail application hearing was absent.

After numerous attempts to trace the witness the court continued with the bail hearing and Noreses was granted bail.

Noreses is employed as a secretary while, Hipundjua and Mutumbulua are both employed as interpreters at the Walvis Bay Magistrate’s Court.

During investigations last week that led to the arrest of the three accused, Nampol allegedly confiscated more than 1 000 traffic fines, of which 300 emanated from summonses, from Noreses.  These were found at her house and office respectively

Hipundjua and Mutumbulua were arrested a day after the high-profile arrest of Noreses.


By Eveline de Klerk