
Covid-19 battle gets shot in the arm

Home National Covid-19 battle gets shot in the arm

Four organisations donated items worth N$230 000 to the health ministry’s Covid-19 emergency operation centre to strengthen the fight against the pandemic. The four organisations include the United Nations Namibian chapter, which together with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) donated goods worth N$170 000. 

The UN donated thermo-guns, stationery, sanitising equipment, surface cleaners, amongst others, while UNFPA donated one colour printer, five hand washing stations and a jumbo paper roll floor stand. 
Stanlib-Namibia donated goods worth N$45 000 comprising water dispensers, kettles, hand sanitiser with stand, toilet paper and rolls. It also donated coffee, sugar and milk. 

Millennium Refrigeration and Electrical Services donated an air purifier worth N$15 000. 
Carlos Fernandez from the UN Namibia strategic planning and resident coordinator’s office said that with limited resources they responded in a holistic way to the crisis by starting at the health sector. 
“The priority is to protect frontline workers – obviously people working here at the emergency centre are paramount priority for us. You are working to ensure the well-being of the society in a selfless way. We wanted to contribute to the emergency centre and to the safety of the personnel working here with the donation of personal protective equipment,” said Fernandez. 

The owner of Millennium Refrigeration and Electrical Services, Parastus Nepolo, said the air cleaner he donated has hyper filtration properties, which attracts all bacteria or small particles wherever people gather such as the call centre. 
“Sometimes we forget about social distancing and this product will minimise the possibility of transmission; when they run the machine it will catch all the particles in the room,” said Nepolo. 
Deputy executive director Petronella Masabane thanked staff operating from the emergency operating centre for their sacrifices.  She said they can now continue working with the assurance that they are protected.