
Covid-19: Health worker succumbs as 398 recover 

Home National Covid-19: Health worker succumbs as 398 recover 

The country has reported three fresh fatalities due to Covid-19, including the death of a healthcare worker, deputy minister of health Esther Muinjangue announced yesterday. The death toll in the country now stands at 75. Muinjangue announced that a 59-year old female from Swakopmund, known to have multiple comorbidities, presented to a health facility on the 20 August 2020 with symptoms and was swabbed for Covid-19. “The patient’s results came out positive and she remained in a severe state. She deteriorated and passed away on the 30th of August 2020,” she said. The minister further explained that a 57-year-old male from Nankudu district, who died last week Thursday while being transported to the hospital, also tested positive for Covid-19. “A posthumous swab was done on arrival on the 27th of August 2020 and results came out as positive on Sunday,” she said. A Covid-related death was also reported at Otjiwarongo after a 45-year-old man, known to have multiple comorbidities tested positive to the virus two days after he died at home. The deputy minister announced 185 new positive cases of Covid-19 and 398 recoveries, bringing the recovery tally to 3 327. The country has now 7 550 confirmed cases. Muinjangue also explained a total number of 8 641 contacts were identified in August which means that on average, 278 contacts were identified daily last month. “We noticed that the number of identified contacts is increasing proportionally with confirmed cases. For each confirmed case in August, an average of two contacts was identified,” she said.