Covid-19 spoils independence party

Home Lifestyle Covid-19 spoils independence party

Entertainment Now! asked some celebrities to give their opinions on Namibia’s 30th Independence and the recent outbreak of Covid-19. This is what they had to say.

With 30 years of independence, it is the right time for the youth to engage more in things that benefit our lives in a sense of how we will structure our purposes to catch up with the development of the country in all aspects. This is the best time not to be left out and realise that our country is still developing; therefore, we should meet the government halfway and contribute to the country’s growth.
My take on the coronavirus is that we are facing a serious pandemic and so many people are affected, so we should help one another to fight the virus and also take safety precautions and not be ignorant.


The country’s independence means a lot to us and we have all the reasons to celebrate it because we are free from colonialism. Since independence, our country has achieved so much, such as free education and remarkable signs of political stability. 
In my opinion, this is the time, we have to work together as a country to fight the Covid-19 pandemic and instead of depending on other countries for aid, we also need to find measures to contain and cure this virus. We also need to give a helping hand so those who do not have access to proper sanitation, because they are the ones who will be highly affected by the virus.

Leah Misika
The 30th independence is important because it reminds us of how far we have come since independence and it is important that we celebrate our solidarity and pride. 
With the outbreak of the coronavirus, it is a serious matter and we need to take necessary precautions. Now, we need to know what it means to work together as a society.

Well, it is what it is. We can only take precautions and be responsible. Panicking won’t do us justice. Let’s embrace this global crisis that is affecting all of us and be extremely clean with our hands. I trust and know this issue is temporary and I believe God will definitely give us a solution soon. I advise everyone to make sure they stock up their house with basics because there might be time all the shops will be closed – possibly also the borders. Good luck. God bless Africa.

Dj Siya
Everyone that knows our Namibian history would understand why we need to celebrate our independence. Of all days that we celebrate in our country, Independence Day is the most important day to any citizen, as we get to celebrate all the freedom that we were deprived during colonial times. On the virus outbreak let’s stay safe.

KP Illest
Congratulations to Namibia! 30 years is a mark. It’s dope. We have reached a milestone and we need to embrace that progress. As for Covid-19, it’s unfortunate and I feel we, as people, are doing what we can do. If we take the measures we are supposed to take, we will persevere. The sooner we take the necessary actions seriously, the better – it should start now. Prevention is better than cure.

It’s a big milestone and we have to commend ourselves on the peace and tranquillity Namibia is known for. As a nation, we should be mindful of the power-hungry people even the youth that is trying to disturb the peace we have. We should learn to work as a unit and combat the challenges together. Namibia is like a soccer team with 11 players, each player has to work hard in order for us to score the goal we all aiming for in the end.
On the virus, there is not much I can say about it because I don’t like speaking about stuff I don’t have a lot of information about. The nation should listen to governments advice and not rely on fake news and messages on WhatsApp as they tend to just want to scare people without proper background on the matter.

Cassidy Karon
I feel it’s monumental for our country to reach this milestone. I think as a country, there are certain qualities that a 30-year-old state should possess, which we don’t. We have come a long way; we have had peace. I am grateful for the opportunities but there are a lot of people who don’t do the same. It seems like the country is not there for everyone in terms of capacity building. I have been able to succeed in some ventures that I have embarked on and did my part. The growth rate of Namibia is increasing; all we need is the involvement of everyone. I feel we will be a force to be reckoned with.
On Covid-19, I am impressed by the way the government is handling the issues, specifically regarding the declaration of the state of emergency and all the measures that have been put in place. I am, however, saddened by the reaction from the public side; there are still people with resistant mindsets.