
CRAN to lift barriers on telecommunication and broadcasting entrants

Home Business CRAN to lift barriers on telecommunication and broadcasting entrants


The Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN) has proposed to lower barriers for new entrants to enable them to offer a wider range of communications services without unnecessary duplication of infrastructure.
CRAN further intends to implement infrastructure sharing regulations, which will provide for passive and active infrastructure sharing in order to create a level playing field between existing licensees.

The regulatory authority’s acting chief executive officer Jochen Traut said as the regulator of the sector it is CRAN’s role to establish ground rules and practical conditions in which competitive, private and public enterprises can invest in the market.

Traut made these remarks last week Thursday at a stakeholders’ meeting held in Windhoek to deliberate on the way forward on the infrastructure sharing document and other proposed regulations.

Traut added that infrastructure sharing has a myriad of advantages for the information and communication technology (ICT) industry. Reduction in capital and operational investment requirements for infrastructure investments, lowering environmental impact and energy requirements, creation of a new revenue stream, the release of capital for strategic investments and new services and decreased barriers to market entry for new players were said to be among the advantages in infrastructure sharing.

“CRAN’s fundamental objective is to see that the ICT market continues to develop, expand and reach more Namibian citizens while offering greater choice of services, greater customer choice, consumer satisfaction, offers fair pricing and promotes competition,” added Traut.

He further said CRAN understands the benefits that an improved competitive environment can have on the Namibian ICT sector, hence CRAN will continue to prioritise fair competition, and undertake a range of activities to consistently use appropriate regulatory measures to create a level playing field for both current and new players and maximise benefits for consumers.