
Craven joins top European team

Home Sports Craven joins top European team

WINDHOEK – Local professional cyclist Dan Craven has been bestowed with the distinct honour of becoming Namibia’s first ever cyclist to ride for a first division European team – having signed a contract with top French cycling team, Team Europe Car.

Craven, 31, broke the news last Friday at a press briefing and said the opportunity would open doors for upcoming and gifted young cyclists such as Costa Seibeb, Till Drobisch, Vera Adrian and Herbert Peters and others since his new team also boasts development structures for various age groups.

Joining the French team, Craven is set to become only the 4th African cyclist to saddle up with a first division team and is set to compete in the gruelling Tour of Spain later this year.

“The Tour of Spain is one of the biggest tours in the world and ranks alongside the Tour de France, so it will be a great opportunity for me but I have a lot of hard work to do ito be ready for the race. I have to make my country proud and in the process inspire the youngsters,” said Craven who was until recently riding for a German team.

At the launch, Nedbank emphasized the importance of its involvement in the sport, saying the company has realized that the best possible stage to test the mettle of local cyclists is the international arena.

“With Nedbank Namibia’s past involvement in Dan Craven’s cycling development camps in Omaruru, we have come to appreciate the value of Dan in inspiring youngsters like Vera Adrian, Costa Seibeb, Herbert Peters, and Till Drobisch to name but a few. Its our sincere wish these youngsters follow in his footsteps and carve out a cycling legacy of their own,” reads a statement by Nedbank.

The bank further states that rarely in the history of Namibian cycling has a local cyclist achieved the accolades that Craven has managed to rack up and never before has any local cyclist entered the ranks that Craven is about to venture into.

“But we have every hope that this is only the first trailblazing step towards a glorious future for cycling and nation building in our country,” concluded the statement.

By Otniel Hembapu