Crime drops drastically in Tsumeb

Home Crime and Courts Crime drops drastically in Tsumeb

TSUMEB – Crime in the Tsumeb district of the Oshikoto Region dropped by over 50 percent according to police.

According to Chief Inspector, Bernhard Nghuulivali, during the month of July 2014, 64 cases were reported compared to 30 cases reported in August.

The police chief inspector said this is a decrease of more than 50 percent of cases reported.

“So far September has only seen three cases of crime reported, two being of housebreaking, where thieves stole three mobile phones. The third case was a reckless and negligent driving case where the suspect was also charged with driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol,” he told New Era.

He attributed the reduction in crimes reported to increased police visibility and cooperation from members of the public who report crime.

“Some of our crime prevention measures include police and neighbourhood watch patrols in the streets. This has had a significant impact on curbing crimes in the town,” said Nghuulivali.

He conceded a zero percent in crime was a hard goal to achieve, as there is no such thing as perfection in law enforcement, as people always manage to get into altercations.

“No case of Gender Based Violence (GBV) has been reported thus far, if it is taking place than it is not being reported to the police. Our criminal records indicate the worst cases reported were assault cases at bars and other places where people converge.

“Visibility has a huge impact on crime reduction in the copper town,” he said.

The police chief inspector applauded residents and law enforcement agents for collaborating against crime.

“We all want peace and to see everyone bringing their side as far as crime prevention is concerned. It is truly a great achievement and we need help from everybody in order to make Tsumeb a safer and better place for our children,” he concluded.