Critical mineral deposits discovered in Zambezi 

Critical mineral deposits discovered in Zambezi 

KATIMA MULILO – Critical mineral deposits have been discovered in Zambezi region. This was announced by Zambezi governor Lawrence Sampofu last week. 

The discovery was announced by Zita Dias Diamond Resources (Pty) Ltd, after conducting preliminary test runs in the region. 

Zita Dias Diamond Resources is the brainchild of Zita Dias, who hails from the region.

As one of the few women in mining, Dias stated that it was not easy sacrificing every cent she had to start the company, as she had no experience in the mining sector but simply had a passion for discovering what the region had to offer.

“I was advised by my late husband before he died, on who to approach for assistance and as I am standing here, those people are here with me today and have invested their time and resources to make this dream a reality,” said Dias. According to the company CEO Ndunda Mathe, the minerals discovered are aluminium, silicon, phosphorus, sulphur, chloride, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, cobalt, copper and tantalum. The minerals were discovered in the areas from Kamenga to Batubaja.

He also explained that more tests will have to be conducted to determine the quantity and challenges as well as opportunities that this discovery will bring. 

Mathealso stated that this discovery is going to attract interest from countries that are in search of such minerals, as some of the minerals are only found in a few countries. Zambezigovernor Lawrence Sampofu called on residents within the region to embrace development.

“Zambezi region has traditionally been known to be predominantly an agricultural and wildlife zone supporting the tourism sector and farming activities alike. This trend has detached the region from other prospects related to minerals endowments and mining, hence an occasion such as this creates enthusiasm and keen interest to understand the region’s potential in mineral presence,” stated Sampofu. 

He further pointed out that “there are people in this region who were against the company doing explorations within the areas, and these people went to great lengths to obstruct the company from exploring, which is unacceptable. 

These people went as far as insulting me as the governor for supporting the company for carrying out the exploration. “

Sampofu called upon residents to be supportive of developmental issues within the region as the discovery of the minerals in the region will bring with it development. He further appealed to the residents to refrain from infighting as it does not take the region anywhere and simply slows development.

“Educated people within this region are a problem. Those who are talking about tribalism in the region are educated people, and this does not benefit the region. We, therefore, thank the Ministry of Mines and Energy, for the opportunity and the preliminary data acquisition that they present to allow the locals to follow up through explorations,” said Sampofu.

Sampofufurther called on enterprising companies and investors, to participate in the next stage of pursuing these discoveries for the betterment of the investors, the region, the country and the global family.

*Marythar Kambinda is an information officer at MICT in the Zambezi.