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NAGN PERMANENT COLLECTION In the Foyer and Main Gallery of the NAGN is a selection of artworks from the National Art Gallery Permanent Collection. The Lower Foyer displays contemporary Namibian artists such as Paul Kiddo, Erick Schnack, Alfrieda du Plessis, Inatu Indongo, Kaleb Haipinge, Pedro Vorster, Ziggy Martin, Fillipus Sheehama, Helmuth Lauschke, John Sampson and Helga Kohl. This exhibition has been extended until 20th May. The Upper Foyer displays some of the late John Muafangejo’s Linoprints. The images chosen here represent Culture, Family and Rural themes from Namibia. This exhibition has been extended until 20th May. The Main Gallery displays contemporary Namibian artists such as Samwele Kamati, Hu Aschenborn, Imke Rust, Gerdis Stadtherr, Susan Michinson, Paul Kiddo, Nicky Marais, Libolius Nekundi, the Late John Muafangejo, Kirsten Wechselberger, Eric Schnack, Barbara Bohlke, Max Edison, Fillemon Amalolvu, Isai Aindongo and Joseph Madisia. This exhibition will run until 07th June. LUKAS AMAKALI “Lukas’Vision” Is a perfect example of contemporary integrated arts in Namibian Culture. This is typical of post-independent, Namibian cultural development. The book is a must for all collectors, readers and supporters of Namibian Culture. It is also highly unusual, in that it is the one of the first examples in Namibia, whereby a book is published showcasing posters produced from original artworks and poetry, launched at an exhibition and poetry reading at the National Art Gallery of Namibia – providing a tangible record of such an event. Educationally, it is also relevant to students and scholars in that it deals with issues of social responsibilities such as HIV and Visions for the Future. It is a mirror of society and life. The poetry is of a high standard and provides insight into each of the posters produced from original artworks exhibited. They carry a common message, relevant to all people, locally and globally. The goal of the artist is to share his vision, as well as show, how, through poetry, art is more easily accessible to the public, and vice-versa. Publication of such a book also supports the development of personal perceptions and that of contemporary society at large. This exhibition has been extended until 31st May in the Upper Gallery. This is a Bank Windhoek sponsored exhibition UPCOMING EXHIBITIONS VIVA AFRIKA DAY EXHIBITION This exhibition which is an Africa Day celebration will open on 24th May in the Foyer and will run until 20th June. Please take note Gallery hours Mondays: Closed to the public Tuesdays to Fridays: 08h00 – 13h00 14h00 – 17h00 Between 13h00 – 14h00 on Tuesdays to Fridays public can view artworks. Security will be available to assist. Contact details Telephone numbers: 231160/231391/232288/0811246087 Fax: +264-61-240930 E-mail: nagn@mweb.com.na