
Deaf Student Makes History

Home Archived Deaf Student Makes History

On April 18 Paul Nanyeni made history among deaf people in Namibia by obtaining a BA degree in Education from the University of Namibia. In the photo, Paul is pictured celebrating his achievements at the Safari Hotel Conference Centre recently with Elia Shapwa of the Deaf Association, Pamela February lecturer at Unam and his brother, Kuku John Nanyeni. February shed tears of joy at the graduation due to the fact that she was the first university staff member to attempt teaching sign language in order to make communication easy between her and other deaf students. “She has acted like a godmother to me since the first day I entered the university. She also accompanied me when I went to Sacramento in California in 2006 to receive my cochlea implant. I would like to thank Pamela February for constantly believing in my abilities and capabilities,” said Nanyeni.