Dense’s first album out

Home National Dense’s first album out

 Onesmus Embula

Upcoming gifted kwaito artist, Dense Mashaba, has released his first ever debut album titled Oshikulumbwati, translating into Boldness, which speaks of his life’s struggles and challenges to become what he is today. 

Meeting the seemingly camera shy Dense this week, we got a glimpse into the reserved musician’s personality traits. Society and its environment inspire his music. “I am a creative music enthusiast and I have always had a desire to inspire my fellow peers with my voice given that most of my lyrical content carries influential message,” he states. Despite his singing talent, his passion obliges him to do music. “I started singing during high school, I could sing in school choirs as well as church choirs, but as from 2017 I took my singing seriously and that was through a friend of mine who encouraged me to join the music industry, and here I am today,” he reminisces. 

Furthermore, the Oshakati born musician Dense adds that his journey to break through the music market has not been a walk in the park, with some friends belittling him. However, he was unshaken, believing in his skills, and that music was his destiny. “I have worked with Exit, Buju, Dawana and my producer Vdkei from Wild Boy Platinum Classic Studios,” he told New Era.
The ever-growing Namibian music industry and the variety of local art supporters keep him going. “I plan on dropping a lot of brilliant music and videos, especially as from next year,” he says. Adding, “I have a feeling I am going to change the music industry because what I have in store for my fans is epic,” he maintains.

Oshikulumbwati is available in selected towns such as at Pub 433 in Ondangwa, Oshakati at Katololi, Pub Eewa Tuu in Outapi and Kamselle in Windhoek, selling for N$100. Alternatively, he can be contacted on +264811480209 to request for the album in other towns.