
Development Bank Eyes Japanese

Home Archived Development Bank Eyes Japanese

By Staff Reporter The Development Bank of Namibia (DBN) recently participated in a Project Finance Seminar together with the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) and the English law firm Ashurst. A statement from the bank said representatives of various Namibian industrial sectors and Japanese companies attended the seminar to examine business, investment and areas of cooperation. Ashurst partner Alan Kitchin chaired the first session, addressed by senior officials of JBIC, which examined cooperation with JBIC and legal matters pertaining to project financing. CEO of the Development Bank of Namibia, David Nuyoma, presented the final session highlighting project opportunities in Namibia. The statement says JBIC was established to promote economic co-operation between Japan and other countries, by providing resources for foreign investment and by fostering trade. It also promotes export and imports to and from Japan. Senior Executive Director of JBIC, Fumio Hoshi, said the bank would like to see Japanese companies come to Namibia to seek business opportunities with local companies, especially in natural resources and infrastructure development. Nuyoma of DBN said the bank welcomed exposure to new ways of doing business. “The seminar was enlightening. Working with JBIC is in line with DBN’s philosophy to leverage international finance and partnerships to realise growth in Namibia,” he said. He also felt that cooperation between entities such as JBIC and DBN would lead to new and innovative projects and transfer of skills and knowledge between economies.