
We didn’t plan to kill – Ndjeke ya Malimba

Home National We didn’t plan to kill – Ndjeke ya Malimba

ONGWEDIVA – Namibian filmmaker and actor Ndjeke ya Malimba said his foiled xenophobic attack was not to kill Zimbabwean street vendors.

The actor, whose real name is Jekonia Akuunda, wanted to launch a surprise ‘attack’ on foreigners, particularly Zimbabweans, on Friday but the police halted his plans.

Akuunda told New Era that his plan was to seize and burn the goods sold by Zimbabwean street vendors.
The attack was scheduled to take place in Oshakati, with the hope that it would spread to other towns across the country.

The frustrated Akuunda related that Zimbabweans are at the helm of pirating artistic work and selling them at a price five times less than the original price. He equally complained that Zimbabwean nationals are selling Namibian produced CDs and videos with bogus image brands making it difficult for artists to recognise their work on the streets.

According to Akuunda the calls by artists and actors to end piracy in the country has fallen on deaf ears.
Singling out Nascam, the institution that represents artists in the country and the government, Akuunda said there was a way to solve the problem at hand without having to indulge in violence.

However, after numerous calls from artists to end piracy it continues and culprits still sell freely without any fear of reprisal.

“We don’t need violence and we don’t need to hurt anyone, but it is the government’s responsibility to ensure that the society is not threatened. Piracy is a serious threat it is threatening our businesses,” said Akuunda.

Although Akuunda had earlier stated that his motive was not to kill or hurt anyone the actor related that he was not going “to spare Zimbabwean nationals a fight if they had retaliated”.

Speaking in his native Oshiwambo, Akuunda said: “If they fight we will fight back, a fight is a fight.”

Although he said the mobilisation was spearheaded by three artists including himself, he refused to dwell on who the other artists were when he was taken in for police interrogation on Thursday.

Getting further comments from the actor proved futile as he did not entertain further questions.

New Era wanted to establish why he particularly singled out Zimbabweans if there are other nationals involved including fellow Namibians.

Two years ago Akuunda teamed up with the Namibian Police in an operation to curb illegal copying and distribution of counterfeit CDs and DVDs in Swakopmund and Walvis Bay.