
Discovering an entrepreneurial mind

Home Columns Discovering an entrepreneurial mind

By Wilfred Isak April


ON average we speak sixteen thousand words each day. Can you just imagine how many unspoken words go through our minds.

Most of them are not facts, but evaluations and judgments mixed with emotions – some positive and helpful, while others are negative.

For example on the positive end: I have worked very hard this year, I deserve a bonus and the new CEO at my company seems approachable.

On the negative end which is at times not the reality – he is purposefully ignoring me, I am going to make a fool of myself if I stand for local elections in my constituency. The prevailing wisdom teaches us that negative thoughts and feelings have no place in the mind of an entrepreneur.

I know a lot of us always put our dreams and wishes off.  You know what? We all can do much more than we are doing right now. Sometimes in life you have to believe someone else believes in you, before your own belief kicks in. A lot of people in this country are currently selling a product or service or some are thinking of doing so in 2014.  Let me tell you today that you do not have to be great to get started, but you certainly have to get started to be great at what you do.

One thing that I have learned is that if you argue for your limitations you have to keep them.

It is very easy to say I can’t do ABC, because I do not have resources. There are great traits in each one of us that eye has not seen or the ear has not heard.

Ladies and gentlemen, there are things in each one of us that we do not know, but until you make that first mental shift and get out of your comfort zone it will only be a dream. To realize our dreams we have to start putting ourselves in a perpetual state of discomfort. It is about time that we as a nation start to challenge ourselves and our neighbours too.

Yes, it is about time we start to get busy, raise the bar and work on our plans. Even if you got the best job in the country right now, it is about time you start thinking about your exit date, where you say I had enough of this.

It becomes important that you reach a point to pursue your dream to implement the things you want for yourself and leave a legacy.

At the end of the day we all have something special – you are reading this right now for a reason, each person has something of value and of course this is your time.

As the curtain of 2013 closes and you look at your dreams, decide that you are only going to focus on your strengths. What is it that you are really passionate about and tell yourself over and over again that you are going to master that in the next chapter of your life.

In the new year, you must be able to say to yourself I have mastered this and this is my space. When you do that or find something that you are passionate about, or that really motivates you, do it to the best your ability.

They say that success is also associated with doing what you love to do. It also has something to do with passion and people pay you to do it. That is what I do as a lecturer, I like talking and people pay me to do it.

Get out of your state of fear.  I know a few people might say, I just do not know where to start;  but just start.

If you think you are going in the wrong direction turn around and get in the right direction.

I would like to leave this with you: Namibia is waiting, the customers who are voting with their dollars are waiting for your services, products and expertise.

It is about time for you to show up as the best you and stand up for your country, business and dreams.  I wish you all a merry Christmas and a prosperous 2014.


• Dr. Wilfred Isak April is a Unam graduate and holds a PhD (Entrepreneurship – New Zealand) and currently lectures in Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Organisational Behaviour at Unam.