
Dispatched thoughts – Communicating with the youth

Home Youth Corner Dispatched thoughts – Communicating with the youth
Dispatched thoughts – Communicating with the youth

It is ironic how there are more communication channels today, yet we seem to be so disconnected and at odds about the issues we should be addressing. 

They say communication is the backbone of every strong and reliable relationship and bond. It is true but far from what is on the ground today.

It makes me wonder what is more important – the message being communicated or the way that it is being communicated. 

It is no secret that you communicate with people differently, depending on your relationship with them – and as we have seen from time to time, most relationships have been jeopardised because of a little miscommunication from one of the parties.

With all these channels of communication available to us – social media, email, written communication, etc – you would think people will be better understood, especially the youth, but it seems the more they express themselves, the more they are misunderstood. 

Actually, the more the youth communicate, the more they are shunned for expressing themselves, especially in terms of controversial topics and issues.

A lot of people complain about the state of the economy, the state of security in the country and even the high unemployment.

 While all that is going on, the real victims of those events are the youth. 

In general, it is them who need the jobs and protection, as it is they who suffer the consequences the most.

However, the relationship between the victims and relatives is more strained than ever, and communication is more distorted than ever. 

To get the attention of the authorities, the youth resort to strikes and protests, and they slander officials in expressing their dissatisfaction. 

To them, it is a language they believe those in certain positions will understand.

While such acts have their part to play, they have not been effective in getting their intended messages across. 

Actually, if anything, they tend to make things worse for everyone; it is miscommunication at its best.  Regardless of all that, everyone wants the same thing, and they have all said it time and time again – but when it is time to get that message to the right and relevant person, that is another story.

So, the question then becomes, with so many ways to communicate, what is the best way to be heard – or more importantly, understood? 


– Olavi Popyeinawa

Twitter: @olavipopyeinawa

Email: olavipopyeinawa@gmail.com