
Dispatched thoughts – Life stories filled with questions

Home National Dispatched thoughts – Life stories filled with questions
Dispatched thoughts – Life stories filled  with questions

Over the last few weeks, I have been spending more time with elders and trying to extract the knowledge they have learned over the course of their lives. It is at times like these that I wish they wrote books to document some of their invaluable knowledge. 

Life truly is the ultimate game. It’s the highest form of game one plays, and I swear you can’t write a life story and get it right. Every person has such a unique story behind them. It doesn’t matter what you say or do, life moves at its own pace and you simply can’t guess it and get it right; it’s beautiful and scary at the same time, but damn exciting!

At some point, most people felt lost, especially during their youth years, and I was always curious about how long one was supposed to feel lost? Maybe lost is not the right word; let me rephrase that, how long was one supposed to be in a state of not knowing and fear? That’s better.

Whenever I learn something new, I am always left with a question that is currently swivelling in my head… How does one take the knowledge they acquired throughout the years and turn it into tangible actions that yield positive results, results that you know you are capable of achieving; just how?

Sometimes I wonder, is it a joke, is there a lesson somewhere in there that you were supposed to uncover a revelation of sorts; what is it man? It’s certainly not easy when you are in the midst of it. No matter how much I enquire into that, the consensus always seems to be that it will be up to you to make it work; nothing works if you don’t make it work.

In this game of life, those are some of the questions that will arise. It doesn’t matter what it is that you do or are trying to do, you are bound to run into those dilemmas at some point in your life; more than once actually, and every time you do, your answer will be different from the last one. 

You might not be alone physically, but you will walk this life alone, that is the truth about life.


* Olavi Popyeinawa

 Twitter: @olavipopyeinawa

 Email: olavipopyeinawa@gmail.co