
Dispatched thoughts – Old age eventually catches us all

Home Youth Corner Dispatched thoughts – Old age eventually catches us all
Dispatched thoughts – Old age eventually catches us all

Age has a sneaky way of creeping up on you. 

Time and nature do not need your permission or assistance to go about their day; it goes ahead as certain as can be. 

We grow up so fast – it is the longest journey we embark on with ourselves.

I find it funny that children are always in a rush to grow up, while the parents want the process to be as slow as possible – and when they do, none of them are usually thrilled about it. 

In my experience, the process of growing has been confusing. 

I know I am growing, but I am still not sure about some of the things I do. 

There are no guidelines on how to be, act or even think. 

As I grow older, there are some things I just do not know. 

There are still new experiences I am experiencing for the first time; that is how I know I am growing.

While growing old might seem like an unpleasurable endeavour, there are those who still make it seem like something worthwhile to look forward to. 

Apart from old age – very old age like that of the late Queen Elizabeth – I find that the older one gets, the stronger they become emotionally, mentally and even physically. 

I know the young ones want to rush the process of growing for physical maturity. 

The one thing that comes with age is the realisation of how people and the world work in general. 

At a young age, we are shielded and protected by our loved ones. 

We hardly get a chance to fully comprehend what exactly is happening around us – and for many, this continues well into our youthful years. 

With old age comes wisdom and experience, because for a person to have lived and survived to a ripe old age, they surely had to have gone through experiences that many cannot put in words. 

To this day, I am still taken aback whenever I converse with the elderly. 

Even though I can never live their life and walk in their shoes, I do appreciate they have experience and the massive wisdom they have acquired over their lifetime.

But that is life. 

As they say, just like age, it goes on regardless of who or what you do. 

Even though it is a slow process, it is a process that happens and goes on whether you expect it or not – old age eventually catches up with you.


• Olavi Popyeinawa

• Twitter: @olavipopyeinawa

• Email: olavipopyeinawa@gmail.com