
Dispatched thoughts – Rest only where and when necessary

Home Youth Corner Dispatched thoughts – Rest only where and when necessary
Dispatched thoughts – Rest only where and when necessary

When you are on a roll, you are simply on a roll and there is not much that can slow you down. Actually, there shouldn’t be anything that should slow you down. It’s a beautiful space to be in when you are able to operate effortlessly with minimum resistance but when it is done or over, rest is very necessary.

All good things eventually end; everything that goes up eventually comes down; all things done in the dark will eventually make their way into the light. Sometimes the best things for us are exactly what we need to shed ourselves from. There is nothing wrong with the status quo or the old for that matter, they just haven’t accepted and moved with the current situations, and it becomes necessary to rest and move on.

So often, the people are made to believe that to reach their destination they should forge on without break until they get there. While that is true to a certain extent, it is not practical in reality. No one can be effective without sufficient rest and not just physical rest, but mental and psychological rest too. There is only so much a person can take before a certain disdain for the things they love overcomes them. You need to rest from everything.

There is only so much a person can control. Some occurrences are not within our control and no matter how much pressure we exert or work we put in, the outcome is beyond our control and if anything, good intentions and hard work is turned to wasted efforts. I always find it interesting that in many circumstances when someone is looking for a job, they mostly only get a positive response when they have ‘slowed down’ their search. Once you have done your part, rest!

I have to clarify that rest, as important as it is, should never be used as reason to shy away from doing work which is necessary to influence or better your probabilities of a positive outcome. As my godfather would say, “rest too much and laziness and poverty will eventually catch up with you during your rest.” Rest as a means to surcharge your efforts to getting where you want to be, and do not shy away from it.


Olavi Popyeinawa

Twitter: @olavipopyeinawa

Email: olavipopyeinawa@gmail.com