
DNA, a match for murder and rape accused Kock

Home Crime and Courts DNA, a match for murder and rape accused Kock

WINDHOEK – DNA analysis by the British Columbia DNA Laboratory in Vancouver, Canada has strengthened the State’s case against Erwin Kock, the man accused of raping and murdering an elderly woman at Keetmanshoop in October 2008.

DNA expert from Canada, Steen Hartsen, on Tuesday this week explained he found DNA matching Kock’s DNA on the exhibits that were send to him by Maryn Swart of the National Forensic Science Institute of Namibia. Hartsen also informed the court that there is a 1 in 169 quintillion (a number equal to 1 followed by 18 zeros) chance that the result could be wrong. Kock already pleaded not guilty to all charges in the Windhoek High Court last week before Judge Naomi Shivute. Neatly dressed in a dark trouser and white shirt Kock who spoke through an interpreter resolutely answered ‘not guilty’ on each charge put to him by State Advocate Belinda Wantenaar.

In his plea explanation Boris Isaacks, who represents Kock on instructions of the Department Legal Aid, told Shivute that the pleas are in accordance with his instructions and that the accused denies all charges against him. However, Kock through his lawyer, made certain formal admissions. In the first place Kock admits the deceased’s identity, the contents of the post-mortem report, but not the cause of death, which he said is not clear from the autopsy report. He also admits that the property of the deceased was found in his possession at the time of his arrest. Isaacks says his client’s right to legal representation was infringed upon, including his right not to incriminate himself. He further said the police were informed that the accused wanted legal representation, which was denied.

During the trial the girl who discovered the body testified that she does not know Kock at all. Bernice Isaaks, who is the niece of the deceased, testified that on that fateful evening she woke up when her baby started making groaning sounds. She said that after the baby went back to sleep she went to the window. That’s when she saw the outline of a male person at the door of her aunt’s room going through her aunt’s purse. She then asked the person what he thought he was doing. The person answered her in Afrikaans: “Ek kyk maar net” (I’m just looking). She said the person then went back into the room and when he came out he walked to the corner of the house where he picked up a bag. She thereafter went to her aunt’s room and called her name, but there was no response.

She felt her aunt’s arm, which she said was stiff and cold and that is when she decided to call her other aunt and niece and related what she saw to them. On a question from Wantenaar whether she would recognise the person she said that she could not see his face, but that he had on a green t-shirt with white lettering and dark trousers and was light in complexion with a Nama accent. It is alleged that Kock raped, killed and robbed 58-year-old Rebecca Isaaks at Keetmanshoop in October 2008.


By Roland Routh