Doctor testifies in Rehoboth rape trial

Home Crime and Courts Doctor testifies in Rehoboth rape trial


The doctor who treated the woman who was allegedly violently raped  and cut on her private parts with a broken bottle by Franklin Savage, 39, on the premises of the Rehoboth Post Office on December 03, 2010 took the stand on Thursday.

Doctor Fernandez-Weigel testified the complainant was unconscious when she examined her.

According to the doctor she observed a cut in the vagina of the complainant that extended to her anus which was bleeding profusely.

The doctor said  the cut was about six centimetres long and about 5-6 cm wide and quite deep.

She said that when she questioned the complainant the next morning she (the complainant) complained of severe pain.

According to her, when she arrived at the hospital during the evening she was informed by staff that the complainant was very traumatized and delirious with pain and they had given her medication to make her sleep, that’s why she could only question her the next morning.

According to the doctor the wound needed at least 10 stitches.

She further said that the complainant also had a small cut above her right eyebrow and haematoma under the skin at the eye as well as haematoma on both upper arms as if someone has grabbed her with force.

The doctor said she compiled a rape kit on the complainant and took various swabs.

She also compiled a rape kit on the accused and found dried blood on his privates as well as under his finger nails.

According to the doctor the T-shirt and trousers of Savage werecovered in blood and he could not satisfactorily explain how the blood got on his clothes.

She said that he claimed he was in a relationship with the victim and that she was menstruating, which was how the blood got on his clothes.

She however told the court that during her examination of the complainant she found no evidence that the complainant was menstruating.

During cross-examination, Bronell Uirab for the accused told the doctor that Savage claims that while he and the complainant were having sex he scratched her with his fingernail which caused the wound.

The doctor totally dismissed the claim and said it was impossible for a fingernail to cause such a deep wound.

Savage faces charges of rape, kidnapping and using means to overcome a female for immoral purposes.

He already pleaded not guilty to all charges during his first appearance before Judge Dinah Usiko.On the first rape charge it is alleged that Savage raped the complainant – who may not be named – near the Rehoboth Primary School on or about November 28, 2010.

In the second incident that sent shockwaves through Rehoboth, it is alleged that Savage violently raped the complainant and stabbed her in her private parts with a broken bottle at the Rehoboth Post Office on December 03, 2010.

The case continues before Judge Dinah Usiko and Cliff Luthibezi appears for the State.

Savage remains in custody.