Don’t Be Ashamed of Unam

Home Archived Don’t Be Ashamed of Unam

Allow me space in your newspaper to prove why the University of Namibia is the best place to study in Namibia if not in Africa. I am not writing this article because I am a member of the Student Representative Council (SRC) but as a student sick and tired of people misstating and misrepresenting the state of affairs at Unam.

Firstly, I want to set the record categorically straight, that Unam is never and will never go 10 years (steps) backwards as proposed by some former students – like it or not Unam is going forward, part of it not, Unam is progressing.

It genuinely disturbs me as Vice President of the Alumni Student Club to see former Unam students bad-mouthing the university in the media after the resources the university has invested in them.

What a pathetic way of showing gratitude. I would also like to use this platform to appeal to all former Unam students to join and use the University of Namibia Alumni Association to criticise and contribute to the university.

Unam recognizes the importance of its former students and as such it has two Alumni representative sitting on the highest policy formulating body (the University Council).

Secondly, I would like to encourage Grade 12 learners to apply for admission at Unam because it is the best place for them to study and brighten their future.

Thirdly, I want to tell the part of Unam that the so-called movement for doubting Unam’s progress (MDUP) don’t tell. Unam has managed to accomplish and it is in the process of accomplishing the following:

– Unam is in the top 15 universities in Africa, considering we are under 20 years old.

– Unam completed a successful curriculum review.

– Unam is building a new faculty of engineering.

– A planned medical school is under way.

– A new hostel complex is planned to be built. Construction is expected to start by the end of the year.

– A new student centre is planned to be built.

– New lecture halls have been planned and some are currently being constructed.

– State-of-the-art audio-visual equipment is installed in lecture halls to improve the quality of learning.

– Flat screen computers are now up and in use at the library.

– These are just few of the projects the university of Namibia is undertaking to Improve the quality of service and education offered to students.

Of course there are challenges the university is faced with, from academic to student services. Like the saying goes, Rome was not built over night.

I recognize there are bad apples among the academic and administrative staff of Unam, and my advice to them is shape up or ship out, because Unam is going forward and forward we are going.

Last but not least, I would like to appeal to the Unam community and the general public to start/continue contributing to the development of Unam because Unam is a national project, like he said in his official opening speech: “Unam is not Hangula’s project.”

It’s a national project for all Namibians – when Unam fails, the nation fails.
I would also like to thank the SWAPO Party government for its active role in Unam and its keen interest to improve the educational system of our country.
Long live the University of Namibia.

Nicky K. Mutenda
UNAM SRC for Culture, Vice President of the Alumni Student Club & Youth Activist.