
Double anxiety for NPL as FNB says it’s ‘gravely concerned’… as league remains in trenches

Home Sports Double anxiety for NPL as FNB says it’s ‘gravely concerned’… as league remains in trenches

WINDHOEK – Following MTC’s affirmation that it will neither renew nor extend its sponsorship agreement with the Namibia Premier League (NPL) at the end of the yet-to-start 2019/20 season, co-sponsor of the country’s flagship football league FNB Namibia says it is gravely concerned about the league’s dormancy.

Speaking to New Era Sport yesterday, FNB’s sponsorship and promotions manager Gordon Pokolo expressed his profound consternation over the crumbling status of the inactive NPL, which is still serving a suspension by the Namibia Football Association (NFA).

FNB and MTC are the joint bankrollers of the non-operational NPL, with MTC being the principal financier with a sponsorship of more than N$15 million per season and FNB co-sponsoring the league with N$5 million per annum. 

Both sponsorship agreements – which are a combined N$20 million per season – are over three years and will jointly come full circle at the end of the 2019/20 season, which is yet to start but with no serious indications of the league kicking off anytime soon.

Pokolo said that just like fellow sponsor MTC, the FNB is equally worried about the dormancy of the NPL and its unceasing catfights with the Fifa-appointed Normalisation Committee for the NFA, which he says have robbed local footballers of plenty of economic opportunities.

“We as FNB have on numerous occasions indicated our willingness and commitment to the NPL as far as our sponsorship agreement is concerned because we want to see football start. But as a sponsor, one must also understand that our hands are tied as some of these things (NPL’s suspension and infighting with NFA) are beyond our mandate and scope. We have however been monitoring the situation and continue to monitor all developments around the league, especially their suspension and court case. Obviously we are not happy with what is going on and I think at some point a decision from our side as sponsors has to be made. But for now, we have a contract with the NPL and we will continue to monitor all developments,” said Pokolo.

Asked if there have been any talks between the NPL and FNB leadership, Pokolo said the bank awaits the league to come forth and assure the safety and intactness of their sponsorship agreement.

“We await the NPL leadership to sort out their ongoing problems so that football can start. This situation has not been fair to local football stakeholders, especially the players who are the chosen beneficiaries of the game. So, we are waiting on the league to put their house in order and commence with football, but if a decision arises from our side in weeks and months to come, we will definitely call a press conference to publicly indicate what our position is regarding the sponsorship agreement with NPL,” he 