
Drimiopsis needs permanentclinic – Ngaringombe

Drimiopsis needs permanentclinic – Ngaringombe

Zebaldt Ngaruka 

Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) secretary general Manuel Ngaringombe said the unavailability of a permanent health facility at Drimiopsis 34 years after independence is worrisome.

Speaking at the settlement while addressing a PDM rally on Saturday, Ngaringombe accused the government of failing to provide quality healthcare services. 

He said the San community settlement, which has two schools, deserves a fixed clinic. 

“This is the carelessness of the government of the day about the settlement. There is no ambulance, and the nurse at that clinic is not working 24 hours,” he said.

He added that the settlement relies on an ambulance from Gobabis, which takes time to reach the area.

“This is uncalled for. Imagine the situation of pregnant women who are suffering these long hours to go to Gobabis hospital. It’s a hard time for the permanent health clinic to be in Drimiopsis,” the secretary general

He further told the gathering that there would be free education once PDM came into power.

He said the PDM government will emphasise the free education system because it is not fair for most San community learners in the settlement.

“It is a very disturbing issue for the majority marginalised San learners, who are forced to pay school development fees and buy stationaries while there is a declaration for universal free education in Namibia,” he lamented.

The secretary general called on the government of the day to monitor the life of San children. 

“You can say that the community has been marginalised for over 34 years, and you don’t help them to grow. The government must monitor these children from grades one to 12. If they do well, they can be taken to universities, and produce medical doctors, engineers, nurses, lawyers and other fields of study to ensure they do not stay marginalised,” he said. 

He added that the community needs special projects and income-generating projects like gardening and dairy farming, where they survive and get income.

The official opposition also had another mini rally in Gobabis on Sunday, where Ngaringombe said that PDM will implement the policy of ‘One Namibia One Plot’ and housing provision.

“The Swapo government failed to provide housing to our people. If we take over the government, it will be on top of the agenda. We will look for alternatives to build our people decent houses, unlike these corrugated iron sheets,” he charged. 

The electricity and water provision to the residents will also be on top of the party radar. Every house will have taps in its yard, and there will be decency. 

On the issue of malnutrition and unemployment in Omaheke, Ngaringombe finds the situation appalling. 

“Something must be done to get rid of malnutrition cases in Gobabis and the entire region. The youth unemployment is high in Gobabis, and the youth lost hope in the Swapo-led government,” he said.

Recently, Omaheke governor Pijoo Nganate urged Namibians to abandon what he called ‘fear of the unknown’, and allow Uranium One to continue with its controversial mining operations in the area. 

Nganate asserts that this will address poverty in Omaheke and the entire country. 
