
Drink prudently like a miser

Home Columns Drink prudently like a miser

LET me start by conveying my condolences to the family of the late icon Nelson Mandela.

Mandela was indeed a unique gift to the world and may his soul rest in everlasting peace.

The Festive Season is here, and as it has become tradition, people all over the country will indulge in festivities, which will mainly include drinking alcohol, braais – we all need to celebrate after all the year’s hard work.

Nevertheless, as it has also been tradition, my fellow people party like there is no tomorrow.

Come January, one will be forgiven for thinking that the country was in national mourning.

People are stressed, and the only people that are happy are cash loan owners and pawn shop owners.

In January cash loan and pawn shop owners make a killing. That’s the time of the year they are flooded with people wanting loans for necessities that were not budgeted for in December such as school fees and school uniforms. Because all the money went to booze and people drank as if there was no tomorrow.

While the flashy cars were being shown off in the village in December, come January the excuses people will give is that the car went for repairs but the truth is some motorists cannot afford fuel to drive around.

And if you want to watch your favourite show in January, you will be told that the flat screen went for repair, while the truth is that the car was repossessed and the television is at the pawn shop as a form of security for that loan.

It’s no lie that we are a nation of drunkards, we like to party, but that does not mean that we should party like sailors. Remember that there is a tomorrow, and January hits the hardest and is known to be the “longest” month.

Don’t be like the guy who allegedly squandered N$500 000 he won in less than a month.

My advice, go easy on the booze in December, there are a lot of freeloaders who will take you to the cleaners.

December is worse; you will get unexpected visitors who will come visit you because they know you’ve got a bonus. And coming from a culture of sharing, you will feel compelled to buy them booze, and as soon as your money is finished, nobody knows you and they vanish. Avoid scavengers by all means, till early January.

Another piece of advice – stick to your budget, and don’t go overboard buying unnecessary gifts in December and if possible hoard some of your bonus under a pillow.

Every December, advice about saving for January is given – I still have to conduct research to find out how many people actually listen.

It’s amazing to see the number of people who walk around with dry lips and red eyes in January, stressed because it’s January and they have squandered their money. Nangula esiku! Eewa!

Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah!

By Tunomukwathi Asino