Driven, purposeful and eager to learn

Home Youth Corner Driven, purposeful and eager to learn

Pinehas Nakaziko

Windhoek-A driven and purposeful young man who is always ambitious and eager to learn, that’s how Erasmus Nekundi describes himself.

Losing his mother at a tender age was a painful storm that nearly led the driven, purposeful and eager Nekundi astray

Even though it was sad and posed challenges, Nekundi says he has always known that the sooner he accepted it the better it would be able to move on and work hard to create a better future for himself. However, loss of a supportive parent affected his education. “Even after completing my Grade 12, I had to stay [at home] for two years due to lack of financial assistance. I must admit that at some point, I lost all hope,” he explains adding that he however found motivation to go on owing to his drive to become somebody in life. “I soldiered on and kept all hope alive. I do not want to sound conceited, but giving in to the challenges was not an option.”

His teacher also inspired him with his emphasis on the significance of education.  “I strived hard to [achieve] progress in my education.”

Nekundi, born in Lusaka, Zambia, and raised in Oshakati in the Oshana region, says none of his childhood experiences has had an influence on his career decision. “Besides, career fairs were just something that I came to learn of when I was already at university. Nonetheless, I am okay with my career.”

Nekundi is currently a junior public relations officer at Mobile Telecommunications Limited (MTC), and finding it interesting yet challenging. He has also worked as a social media marketing specialist at the University of Namibia (Unam)’s Echo Magazine.

“When I entered into Public Relations at the university, it was because it was the only course available, and I did not want to go back home and spend an additional year down. But I later ended up liking it.”

His journey into the corporate world started during his second year at Unam on the advice of his lecturers to voluntarily go out and seek internships. “I was then lucky and offered six months internship at the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry; which presented a foretaste of the communication profession. In my final year, I was one of the bursary recipients from MTC, and they took me into their system and I’m completing a graduate trainee programme with them. I knew that the professional environment is different from the school environment, which is why I entered into it with an open mind ready to learn and acquire the necessary skills, and attitude.”
Nekundi started his elementary school in Windhoek, but had to continue at Oshakati where his parents were based. He matriculated at Andimba Toivo ya Toivo Secondary School in Ondangwa in 2007.  Doing well in school was his best achievement.

In 2010 Nekundi registered with Unam. “I was utterly oblivious of the course of study to pursue; hence I just took what was available. I then enrolled for a Diploma in Public Relations, and to my disbelief, I fell in love with that field of study. Hence, upon completion, I ambitiously decided to continue with my Honours level in the same field, which then gave me a broader understanding of the subject field. I am now pursuing [the] Masters’ level,” says Nekundi.

Looking back on his life’s journey thus far, his defining moment was joining MTC. His advice to fellow youths: “Regardless of the challenges at hand, we should remain focused and dedicated in order to attain whatever ultimate goal (s) we have set.”