
Drought: Eengodhi dry as a bone

Home National Drought: Eengodhi dry as a bone

OMUTHIYA – A catastrophic drought has curved in on Eengodhi Constituency in Oshikoto Region where livestock are dying due to lack of water and sufficient grazing.

Constituency councillor Protasius Neshuku confirmed the devastating conditions.
So far, more than 10 animals have reportedly died. Neshuku said the situation has been worsened by the high influx of livestock from Oshana Region, mostly from Ondangwa, Ongwediva and Oshakati – in search for greener pastures.  “It is from these livestock that were brought from outside the constituency and region where we have received reports of loss of animals. Nonetheless, we have not recorded any loss of animal from our local farmers or community. I should however say, the situation has deteriorated and in the coming months, we will likely experience more livestock dying because the grazing which compounded by a lack of water has been depleted,” stressed Neshuku. 

“We had better grazing earlier but now the leaves and grass is depleted because animals are too many in the area. The main challenge is water, as we are now relying on traditional wells, of which the water is not 100 percent fit for drinking especially for humans. Some thus trek distances of 10 to 15 kilometres to access water from wells, especially areas of Onyati, Oyamale and Ofilu,” he added, saying underground water has dried up.

In October last year, New Era reported of a farmer from Eengodhi constituency’s Oshana Sheengete who lost 28 cattle, after the animals consumed water from a suspected toxic well. Another issue he raised was the low pressure of the water pipeline, saying they have not received any drop of water since February.  “We have reported the matter to rural and water supply directorate who did inspections last week that enabled us to get water from Thursday and Friday. However, water has since been gone since Saturday,” said Neshuku, who promised to provide a comprehensive.