Drug suspect gets bail of N$5 000

Home Front Page News Drug suspect gets bail of N$5 000

A 37-year-old man, found in possession of 605 Mandrax tablets on the B1 road last month, was released on bail by the Rehoboth Magistrate’s Court.

Magistrate Kandiwapa Nangombe granted bail of N$5 000 to Jacque Coetzee.
Without any legal representation, Coetzee approached the court yesterday if he could be released on bail pending the finalisation of his outstanding case. 

As condition of his release, the court warned Coetzee not to interfere with ongoing investigations and to make his scheduled mandatory appearance in court on 1 June, as failure to do so would result in the court issuing a warrant of arrest against him. Furthermore, his bail money would be forfeited by the State.

Coetzee was arrested on 24 April on the B1 road, just 20 km from Rehoboth. The prosecution alleges Coetzee was found in possession of 605 Mandrax tablets containing Methaqualone. The drugs have a street value of N$72 600.
Consequently, the prosecution has charged Coetzee with one count of drug dealing and an alternative count of drug possession.
– mamakali@nepc.com.na