
Drug Trafficker’s Trial Moved

Home Archived Drug Trafficker’s Trial Moved

By Anna Shilongo


The case in which 30-year-old Angolan national, Bruno da Silva Paiva, stands accused of dealing in cocaine, was yesterday referred to the Regional Court for trial.

Da Silva was supposed to go for plea-bargaining and trial yesterday in the Windhoek Magistrates’ Court following the Prosecutor General’s decision last year. However, the P.G’s Office made a U-turn on the decision and transferred the case to the Regional Court.

The State Prosecutor, Petrus Grunshaber, informed the court about the P.G’s decision to add a count of murder on top of the two charges against the accused.

The other charges are dealing in dangerous dependence-producing drugs or substances, or alternatively illegal possession of drugs.

Da Silva now faces three counts, which include dealing in dangerous dependence-producing drugs or substance, alternative possession of drugs, and murder.

The State Prosecutor explained to the court that the murder charge against Da Silva arose because the investigations officers only handed in one docket, yet they registered two dockets – the outstanding docket is what resulted in the murder count.

Meanwhile, the accussed’s defence counsel, Sisa Namandje, felt that his client has been denied access to a speedy trial.

Namandje reminded the court that during the official opening of the High Court, the Acting Prosecutor General, Danie Small, attacked legal practitioners for delaying court cases. He added that it is the same office that is now delaying his client’s case.

He said all parties were ready for trial yesterday, only to learn in the morning, when he was ready to proceed with the case, that the case will be transferred to the Regional Court and that the accused will no longer be tried in the Magistrates’ Court as agreed upon initially.

He said all investigations were completed last year and his client tried to raise money for the case to be heard on February 5 and 6.

Namandje appealed to the court to reduce the bail from N$20??????’??