
Drugs, booze, cigarettes worth N$280 000 seized

Home Front Page News Drugs, booze, cigarettes worth N$280 000 seized

OMUTHIYA – Police in the Oshikoto region have confiscated counterfeit alcohol, cigarettes and drugs worth N$280 900, while 94 fines valued at N$157 300 have been issued to individuals in just one week for violating the Covid-19 state of emergency regulations. 
The intercepted products include illicit alcohol, traditional brew, cannabis and cigarettes. 

Oshikoto police chief Commissioner Armas Shivute said the situation is worrisome, as every day, they are making breakthroughs where people are busted trying to transport liquor from the north to the south of the red line to sell. 

Such prohibited products are being transported in trucks, public transport, as well as vehicles belonging to courier companies. 
“The police confiscated liquor to the value of N$159 217 and additional containers of traditional brew (ombike) to the tune of N$17 500. The alcohol includes beer, wines and Best Whiskey smuggled in the country from Angola. In addition, Yes cigarettes worth N$80 843 were also part of the items confiscated during the police at various checkpoints,” said Shivute. 

Moreover, cannabis valued at N$23 340 was also confiscated at the Tsumeb and Oshivelo checkpoints. 
“We have up-scaled our operation and we are not sleeping. These transgressors normally transport the product during the night, thinking the police are sleeping. We have been proactive and I thus warn all those intending to do so to desist before falling on the wrong side of the law,” Shivute warned. 

The police issued fines of N$2 000 and sometimes N$4 000 to those found to be violating the state of emergency regulations, with an option of keeping the liquor – and in some instances, such is forfeited to the state. 
– osimasiku@nepc.com.na