
Drunk cop on duty caught with drugs

Home National Drunk cop on duty caught with drugs

KEETMANSHOOP – A police officer turned up for duty at the Keetmanshoop Police Station drunk and allegedly in possession of illicit drugs on Friday.

It is alleged the 32-year-old cop reported for duty while intoxicated and in possession of two mandrax tablets and one small sachet of pure cannabis valued at N$ 110, which were discovered after members of the drug law enforcement unit subjected the suspect to a body search.

Another police officer was arrested on the same day for driving under the influence of alcohol, after he drove his vehicle and rammed into a house fence in Tseiblaagte, although no injuries were reported.

 Namibian Police Force //Kharas Crime Investigations Coordinator, Deputy Commissioner Chrispin Mubebo confirmed that all the two suspects were arrested, but were both released on bail.

“They were both arrested but released on bail, the one of drunk driving was given bail of N$2 000, while the one found with drugs was given bail of N$500,” he said.

Mubebo further warned police officers that such behaviours will not be tolerated in the force and any police officer who will be found on the wrong side of the law will be dealt with accordingly.

“We are not going to take it lightly, once a police officer is found dealing in drugs, he or she will be arrested and the law will take its course,” said Mubebo.

Last week, another police officer at Rehoboth was arrested allegedly for drug possession, after he was found with drugs while he was on duty.

NBC news reported that the 24-year-old officer was arrested for possession of illicit drugs at the Rehoboth Police Station on Monday and was on Wednesday sentenced to 12 months imprisonment and a fine of N$1 000.