Dryland crop production preparation

Home Agriculture Dryland crop production preparation
Dryland crop production preparation

 Hanks Saisai

As we steadily approach the start of our rainy season, farmers across the country are in good spirits, awaiting much-anticipated showers. To this end, rainfall provides favourable conditions and positively affects agricultural activities. 

Firstly, rainfall replenishes our water resources (e.g. rivers, boreholes and underground water aquifers). Secondly, rainfall encourages the regrowth of grass on our grazing lands, and it is the main source of irrigation for most crop farmers.

Namibia aims to be a food-secure country by locally producing most of its staple grains. This has required farmers who practice dryland crop production to annually prepare to ensure a successful cropping season. 

Dryland crop production is commonly practised in Namibia’s Omaheke, Oshikoto, Oshana, Omusati, Ohangwena, Kavango West, Kavango East and Zambezi regions. This form of agriculture focuses on producing major staple grains and relies solely on rainfall as the only source of water supply for crop fields. 

Conventionally, the operations of dryland crop production respond to the first rainfall that is received, which is usually about 25mm of rainfall, is needed for the soil to support seed germination.

Consequently, preparedness is a key factor that farmers must bear in mind when intending to successfully grow rain-fed crops. As November is fast approaching, farmers are urged to start procuring all the necessary inputs they need to grow cereal crops, such as maize, pearl millet (mahangu) and sorghum. 

Firstly, farmers must start buying the right cultivars of maize, mahangu and sorghum to be produced. 

Secondly, once the seeds are available, it is of great importance for farmers to start clearing bushes and all unwanted vegetation that may hinder the easy cultivation of their fields. 

Another crucial aspect is for farmers to start registering for ploughing services at all ministry of agriculture’s agricultural development centres (ADCs) in their respective constituencies to ensure their fields are ploughed on time. 

On the government’s side, it is ideal for them, as service providers, to ensure that tractors and inputs, such as fertilisers, are made available before the commencement of the ploughing season. 

Farmers are further urged to acquire information on rainfall forecast trends for the upcoming season. This information should specifically focus on the average amount of rainfall expected in each region that participates in dryland crop production. 

This will aid farmers in understanding how much water will be required for them to grow crops successfully. For maize producers, an average amount of above 500mm is required to successfully grow white maize. 

On the other hand, crops such as pearl millet (mahangu) require about 350mm when one grows cultivars, such as Okashana number two. Sorghum may require about 400mm of water per growing season. 

Additionally, farmers must ensure they understand the forecasted rainfall distribution, as it may influence the production of crops. Dry spells during the growing season and crucial stages, such as flowering, may hinder the yield potential of each crop. Furthermore, farmers must study the forecasted intensity of rainfall, as it has a direct effect on crop growth.

Light-intensity rainfall that is prolonged is ideal for maximum soil absorption and ensuring that crop roots are supplied with adequate water, whereas high-intensity rainfall may cause soil erosion and damage to crops on open fields.

Finally, successful dryland crop production requires input suppliers to ensure that seeds, fertilisers, herbicides and pesticides are readily available for farmers. 

On the other hand, farmers are encouraged to ensure they procure the right seeds that have a short growing period, as rainfall patterns are unpredictable. Overall, preparedness may ensure that farmers achieve their objective of a successful harvest. 

Moreover, farmers in the flood-prone areas of the Zambezi region, can utilise emerging streams, as the flood waters dry up, for the growing of cereal grains, such as maize, sorghum and mahangu, which are staples in that region. 

These combined efforts will contribute to improving self-sufficiency and ultimately alleviate food insecurity at household levels.


* Hanks Saisai is Agribank Technical Advisor: Crops & Poultry


Photo: Dryland

Caption: Get ready… November is fast approaching and farmers are urged to start procuring all the necessary inputs they need to grow cereal crops. Photo: Contributed