DTA will deport unskilled Chinese

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WARMQUELLE – DTA presidential candidate McHenry Venaani said if his party wins this month’s general election, it would ask all unskilled Chinese workers to leave the country and give their jobs to Namibians.

“I got no problem with professionals but the unqualified ones bother me. The Chinese come here and do bricklaying and push wheelbarrows. We don’t want wheelbarrow Chinese,” Venaani said during his address to more than 100 DTA supporters last Friday at Warmquelle – situated about 30 kilometers outside Sesfontein.

According to Venaani, 75 to 80 percent of young Namibians are unemployed, while unskilled Chinese workers continue to do even the simplest of jobs that could have been reserved for Namibians.

Venaani also took issue with the way students who failed Grade 12 have been funded by government to study medicine in China, while those with pass marks are overlooked.

Venaani said that there has not been a single project for the community of Warmquelle since independence.

His party would build infrastructure for communities such as Warmquelle to get access to water as it is a basic right, he promised.

The DTA president also wants an end to what he termed ‘Panado hospitals’, in reference to the pain killer medication Panado, which is often dished out to patients at public health facilities.

He said the Kunene Region should receive the bulk of the N$100 million donated by the South African government to Namibia for drought relief purposes.

Omusati and Erongo should also enjoy preference in that regard, said the DTA leader, citing drought conditions in those areas.