
DTA drops bombshell

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WINDHOEK – The DTA dropped a political bombshell yesterday by announcing that it is rescinding the decision to boot out its former president Katuutire Kaura from the party and to recall him from the National Assembly. 

However, the rescindment of the decision is only a temporary measure with DTA president McHenry Venaani vowing the party would now pursue the legal route to end Kaura’s power dominance in the party. Kaura yesterday reacted with mixed feelings to the news, expressing doubt about how long the truce would last after he was bloodied in a heavy skirmish with Venaani his former political protégé. The DTA announced it has “resolved to nullify the resolutions [of] the extraordinary executive committee [to] terminate party membership of Kaura and recalling him from the National Assembly.”

The announcement came two days before the High Court hears an urgent application in which Kaura challenges his expulsion from the party and recall from parliament. The party says it will no longer oppose Kaura’s court application and would “allow him to return to parliament as a member of the party.” However, Venaani vowed that the fight to limit Kaura’s power in the party would continue. “We want to state it categorically clear that this is not the end. Lawful procedures will now be put in motion to bring this matter to conclusion. I want to assure everybody, that this is not a battle nor a race for a parliamentary seat, but it is a fight of two political centres of power that exist within the party,” Venaani said, while flanked by DTA stalwart and parliamentarian Phillemon Moongo and newly elected DTA vice president Kazehongere Tjeundo.

When approached for comment yesterday, Kaura was very tactful and conciliatory in his response. “I am back for now, but I do not know how long this will last. As I said the other day my entire system is inundated with DTA and I am ready for reconciliation, provided that those who decided to terminate my membership are also ready to reconcile.”


By Mathias Haufiku