
DTA spares Kaura, Moongo

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WINDHOEK – Katuutire Kaura and Phillemon Moongo will not be recalled from parliament after they lost their positions during Saturday’s elective congress in Windhoek, said newly-elected DTA president McHenry Venaani.

Pro-Venaani supporters could be heard on Saturday outside the congress venue in Katutura mooting the idea of booting the veteran politicians out of parliament to inject fresh blood. “I can assure you that talks to remove them from parliament were never discussed at the congress. I want stability in the party, therefore I will rubbish any idea that moots the removal of the two. We would however like to see our leaders increase our political debate in parliament,” said Venaani.

By virtue of his position as the president of the party, Venaani has the power to remove the two and appoint anyone, including himself, to represent the party in parliament. Venaani assured the two defeated leaders that they would be allowed to serve their full terms and vowed to work closely with them. He said the two veteran politicians will not be recalled unless they “in any way undermine the ambitions of the party”.

“I know during the campaigns there were things said towards me, but that was part of the campaign, therefore I will not hold any grudges,” said the new DTA president striking a conciliatory tone. “They were elected to serve for five years and we will allow them to do just that. Although they lost out this time, they still have the right to contest when we have elections in future because it is their right,” he said.

Venaani on Saturday brought an end to Kaura’s 15-year leadership after a tense runoff which saw Venaani bring down the political heavyweight after gathering 96 of the 148 votes cast. Following the election Venaani confessed: “Fighting the indomitable Katuutire Kaura was not an easy task.”

Moongo also lost his seat when Opuwo Councillor, Kazeongore Tjeundo defeated him convincingly. During the congress, it was evident that the elders were pro-Kaura while the youth sided with Venaani. Venaani said the congress proceeded well, and that he has not received any complaints from any of the candidates or delegates.

Mathias Haufiku