
ECD centre inaugurated in Omusati

Home National ECD centre inaugurated in Omusati
ECD centre inaugurated in Omusati

Victoria Kaapanda

The provision of early childhood development services in the Omusati region received a newly constructed modern facility last week.

The new Omukumo ECD was officially handed over recently in Okaaku village near Outapi.

The centre has classrooms, ablution facilities, offices, storerooms and kitchens, and was constructed for N$70 million, while two centres were upgraded with funding from the European Union (EU).

The Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare minister Doreen Sioka in the speech read on her behalf, expressed gratitude to the EU for investing in education, particularly in the ECD programmes, for the proper development of children.

“Early childhood development provides a very critical window of opportunity for the holistic development of a child,” she stated.

She said during this period, the child’s brain grows fast, thus interventions that address children’s needs should start as early as possible if children are to reach their full potential and these services should be as integrated as possible.

“Therefore, key stakeholders such as the Ministry of Health and Social Services, Ministry of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare, Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, and home affairs are responsible for ensuring the provision of integrated ECD services such as ante-natal, immunisation, early stimulation, pre-primary up to grade 3 and birth registration,” she said.

She also said the ministry developed the Integrated Early Childhood Development (IECD) framework for action to improve collaboration in the delivery of inclusive and holistic ECD services.

“I, therefore, urge all of us to use this facility and ensure that all children from zero to four years are enrolled and attend the beautiful kindergartens where they should receive care and early stimulation for their future learning and development,” she advised.

– vkaapanda@nepc.com.na