ECN warns of ‘fake’ results 

Home Front Page News ECN warns of ‘fake’ results 

The Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) has cautioned the general public against believing unverified posts on social media regarding Wednesday’s special voting process conducted locally and at foreign missions. 

“The ECN is fully aware of tabulated ‘results’ and pictures of posted polling station results currently being shared and circulated on social media platforms. The ECN wish to inform the Namibian public that election results are managed and processed strictly in accordance with the provisions of the Electoral Act,” the electoral body said in a statement yesterday. 

As a sequel, the ECN did not collate any results and will not publish any election results until and unless such results are officially amounted by returning officers as contemplated in sections 109 and 110 of the Electoral Act.

The ECN further said it was happy with the special voting process, including the fact that returning officers have complied with the act, which compels them to post a copy of the results outside polling stations. The results are, however, provisional and will be officially collated after polls have closed on general voting day of 27 November. 

Regarding the special voting on Wednesday, the ECN said all polling stations with the exception of Dar es Salaam and Stockholm that were slightly delayed, opened on time. 
“The actually polling process was conducted without any hiccups, in accordance with the provisions of the Electoral Act and all stations closed on time.”