
ECN washes hands in RDP debacle

ECN washes hands in RDP debacle

Linea Dishena 

The Electoral Commission of Namibia does not interfere with the internal affairs of political parties amidst continuous leadership infighting within the Rally for Democracy and Progress.

The ECN has been accused by former RDP parliamentarian Kandy Nehova of allegedly taking unprecedented steps by intervening in the internal affairs of the RDP, resulting in the installation of an unauthorised representative in Parliament, Mike Kavekotora.

Responding to Nampa’s questions regarding the ECN’s position in the matter, its spokesperson De Wet Siluka last week said Kavekotora was duly-nominated as the presidential candidate of the RDP in 2019 by the authorised representative of the party, in conformity with the provisions of the amended Electoral Act 5 of 2014.

“ECN does not deal with factions within a political party. There exists no relationship between the ECN and Mr Mike Kavekotora other than the fact that, according to our records, he is the president of the RDP, a political party duly-registered in terms of Section 137 of the Electoral Act,” he explained.

According to Nehova, Kavekotora, who resigned as a Member of Parliament in March 2024, was replaced by Kennedy Shekupakela, who is illegitimately representing the party, as they have not received the required 51% of votes as per the party constitution in the June 2019 elections.

“Mike Kavekotora and Kennedy Shekupakela never got 51% of votes cast, and a rerun was never ordered by the chairperson of the elections committee. The ECN was well-informed about this from the beginning,” he noted.

Nehova indicated that the legitimate leadership with the central committee was elected in October 2019, noting that a petition of 200 signatures objecting to Kavekotora’s presidential candidacy in 2019 was submitted to the ECN.

Meanwhile, Siluka said should factions arise within a party, the best course of action would be for the contesting faction to seek redress from the Electoral Court.

However, RDP legal secretary and constitutional affairs representative Amanda Titus said they took the issue to the Electoral Court in 2019. But the court said it does not have jurisdiction to hear the merit of the case, and referred them to the tribunal court or the ECN.

“They said we must approach the tribunal court because it is an issue that arose before polling day… but the Electoral Act that outlines the powers of the Electoral Court shows that the Electoral Court does have jurisdiction. It is our interpretation that the Electoral Court saw the merit because it took them approximately almost four years just to constitute the court,” she said.

She further said that a case of fraud against Kavekotora and Shekupakela was opened. 

The case also involves alleged false representation with intent to commit fraud.

Kavekotora speaks 

Meanwhile, Kavekotora has since reacted to the brouhaha, saying Nehova’s crusade to discredit the RDP leadership was a mere storm in a teacup.

Despite only having a single seat in the National Assembly, Nehova, however, has been fighting tooth and nail to knock Kavekotora and his team off their perch.

Ironically, in 2019, Kavekotora received 243 votes against Nehova’s 133. 

Fourteen votes were spoiled. 

At that congress, Nehova told reporters that he accepted defeat. 

He went further to declare the election free, fair and credible.

Today, Nehova has reneged on his stance, and is challenging Kavekotora’s leadership.

From where Kavekotora stands, nothing has changed. 

“Kandy will not and cannot rise from his political grave that he, himself created. Resurrection was only given by God to Jesus Christ and for a specific reason, and no one else. My concern is that this is in the public domain, and might confuse the electorate and the misinformed. It is on that basis that I saw the need to address the public on this matter,” Kavekotora said. 

He added that Nehova is determined to destroy the party. 

For that reason, the former National Council chairperson was shown the door. 

“When RDP realised that Kandy’s motive was to destroy the party, a disciplinary process was initiated that eventually led to the expulsion of Kandy and three others.

“I can understand if Kandy is not aware of these developments, as he might have reached a point of diminishing competency in all respects. I remember him being asleep at the last court hearing, and one wonders what and how his legal team informed him. What bothers me is that the public and the media are still entertaining Kandy’s nonsensical claims,” a seemingly irritated Kavekotora said. 

He continued: “I want the public once more to take note that Kandy is no longer with RDP… It is on this basis that this group has absolutely no mandate to speak on behalf of and/or challenge the RDP and its elected leaders in any matter. My leadership and I will entertain any issue raised by a bona fide member. The Kandy’s running around like a headless chicken is of no effect to RDP, and RDP leadership will deal with them and their bosses at an appropriate time.” 


-Additional reporting by Edward Mumbuu.