
Editorial – Name and shame tax dodgers

Home Editorial Editorial – Name and shame tax dodgers
Editorial – Name and shame tax dodgers

As responsible members of society, both individuals and businesses must contribute our fair share, and uphold the values of cooperation and shared prosperity.

A Chinese construction company is seeking interim relief in the High Court, saying N$33 million was taken from its bank account.

Zhong Mei Engineering Group claims the Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRA) was arbitrary, unfair, unreasonable and unlawful concerning the company’s inability to pay over a lump sum of N$33 million due to the agency.

The company, which has been paid handsomely by the Namibian people for road construction, said NamRA’s action will handicap its operations. 

It constructed the second phase of the Windhoek-Hosea Kutako International Airport highway for N$1,2 billion. The Roads Authority also awarded a N$755 million contract to the company for the construction of the Swakopmund-Henties Bay-Uis road in 2016.

The company’s inability or unwillingness to pay its fair share in taxes is not just a slap in the face of the Namibian people, but should also be an embarrassment to the Namibian state-owned companies who have long favoured Chinese companies for major construction contracts over Namibian companies. 

The importance of paying taxes extends beyond financial support; it reflects a commitment to shared responsibility and community building.

Paying your fair share is not just a civic duty, but a cornerstone of a just and equitable society. 

The lawyers of the company should remind its owners that taxes fund essential public services, infrastructure and social programmes that contribute to the overall well-being of a nation. 

The very courts the company approached for relief are maintained and funded by the taxpayer. The hundreds of millions they are paid for road construction come from the taxpayer. 

Taxes enable governments to provide crucial services such as healthcare, education and public safety. A fair tax system ensures that resources are allocated efficiently and effectively, guaranteeing access to quality education and healthcare for all citizens. This, in turn, nurtures a healthier and
more educated workforce, driving economic growth and innovation.

Moreover, taxes play a pivotal role in addressing societal inequalities. A progressive tax system,
where higher earners contribute proportionally
more, helps redistribute wealth and reduces the wealth gap. This fosters social cohesion, mitigating the risks of social unrest that can arise from stark economic disparities.

Paying your taxes fosters a sense of collective responsibility. It reflects the understanding that the benefits of a functioning society are shared by all, regardless of individual circumstances. This mindset encourages cooperation and solidarity, building a stronger social fabric.

Additionally, taxes finance critical infrastructure projects that lay the foundation for economic development; from transportation networks to communication systems, public investment in infrastructure boosts productivity and business growth, enhancing the overall quality of life.

NamRA should be applauded for its no-nonsense approach. The agency should continue to ensure transparency and accountability in tax collection and expenditure. Citizens need to see that their contributions are being used judiciously to avoid eroding trust in the system.

Paying a fair rate of tax goes beyond the financial transaction; it embodies a commitment to the betterment of society. It is an investment in the well-being of fellow citizens, the reduction of inequalities, and the promotion of a harmonious community. 

NamRA must continue to pursue and expose tax dodgers.