Educating With Art

Home Archived Educating With Art

By Edeltraud Mokhatu

With an aim to promote art in disadvantaged schools and to create a market for upcoming art teachers, the Franco Namibian Cultural Centre (FNCC) will be hosting a visual art exhibition commencing early next week.

A joint exhibition will showcase artworks by Max Edison and Kaleb Haipinge, running from August 7 to 21.

The exhibition, themed “As time goes by”, will focus on promoting arts in schools. According to Kaleb, art is not taught in schools, especially Katutura schools, which leaves a void for learners and qualified arts teachers. Their exhibition aims at trying to get schools to offer art classes and, in so doing, to create a market for people who studied and are seeking opportunities to teach it.

Kaleb and Max came together last year to work on a joint exhibition. Their work is a mix media of painting artwork Kaleb is inspired by the environment, society at large and his fellow artists. He studied at different institutions from 2001 until 2005.

A painting titled: “Needed information kept” by Kaleb, portrays ” the loss of history about late Namibian artists, as information about them and their works is kept hidden. Learners are not taught about it”.