
Efraim disturbed by shebeens, noisy churches

Home National Efraim disturbed by shebeens, noisy churches

AUSSENKEHR – Karasburg West Constituency Councillor Paulus Efraim has condemned some churches and shebeens in his area saying their operations make life difficult for residents.

“It is such a small place but people cannot sleep because of these shebeens and churches, I do not even know what you preach about every day and others are dancing the whole night and tomorrow is supposed to be work, this must stop,” he said.

Efraim, who was speaking during the official opening of the Aussenkehr shopping complex on Monday indicated that some shebeens operate throughout the night, going beyond the legally stipulated operating time, meaning people get intoxicated all night long and do not rest enough to get ready for work or to look for jobs in the grape producing valley.

Some churches at Aussenkehr and Noordoewer have also become a nuisance to the residents, as they operate throughout the night with prayers conducted every day of the week, and this usually disturb those residents that want to sleep and rest and be ready and full of energy for the next day.

He further condemned the killing of a woman at Aussenkehr over the weekend, it is alleged the deceased was raped before she was murdered. Efraim said there is no place for such evil in his constituency, saying those who have other motives other than looking for work and improving their living standards should not come to his area.

He also urged young men and women to get their priorities right, saying many spend their hard-earned cash on alcohol, while he cautioned young women to refrain from depending on men financially, saying this sometimes results in Gender-Based Violence (GBV).

“You are here killing each other, this place is for you to find jobs, not to enjoy during the night just drinking and end up killing each other, if that is your idea then go back to where you came from, and women must stop moving from one men to another throughout the night at shebeens, when you come here you must work,” he said.

Efraim called on the operating hours of shebeens to be changed again, saying it does not make sense for bars to be open until the morning hours. He suggested 10 pm as the closing time for all shebeens.