
Elderly man fatally assaults wife

Home Crime and Courts Elderly man fatally assaults wife

MUKEKETE – The police in the Kavango West Region have arrested a man who allegedly assaulted his wife leading to her death on Sunday at the village of Mukekete.

The deceased was identified as Karungu Tese who is a 66-year-old man. Mukete village is located in Mpungu constituency, outside Nkurenkuru. It is alleged the husband savagely beat his wife until she died on the spot and the police are now trying to determine the nature and extent of the victim’s injuries. Chief inspector Chrispin Mubebo of the Namibian Police responsible for the Kavango East and West regions told New Era they still do not know what triggered the attack that claimed the latest victim of gender-based violence, which continues unabated throughout the country.

He said married couples experiencing problems should seek professional help, particularly women trapped in abusive relationships. “People, more especially those in abusive relationships, should learn to report things to the police on time to avoid loss of life, they must not hide these things. Report such abuse immediately to the Women and Child Protection Unit of the Namibian Police and also facilitate with the social workers to see how they can avoid it as well as assist you,” he offered. The incident took place on Sunday at Mukekete, which is situated southwest of the town of Nkurenkuru.

By John Muyamba